What is the MTA Reinventing, Anyway?

In the last few years New York’s MTA has gone through multiple cycles in which a new head talks of far-reaching reform, while only small incremental steps are taken. The latest is the MTA Transportation Reinvention Commission, which has just released a report detailing all the way the MTA could move forward. Capital New York has covered it and hosts the report in three parts. Despite the florid rhetoric of reinvention, the proposals contained in the report are small-scale, such as reducing waste heat in the tunnels and at the stations on PDF-pp. 43-44 of the first part. At first glance they seem interesting; they are also very far from the reinvention the MTA both needs and claims to be engaging in.

Construction costs are not addressed in the report. On PDF-p. 53 of the first part, it talks about the far-reaching suburban Grand Paris Express project for providing suburb-to-suburb rapid transit. It says nothing of the fact that this 200-km project is scheduled to cost about 27 billion euros in what appears to be today’s money, which is not much more than $150 million per km, about a tenth as much as New York’s subway construction. (Grand Paris Express is either mostly or fully underground, I am not sure.) The worst problem for transit in the New York area is that its construction costs are an order of magnitude too high, but this is not addressed in the report.

Instead of tackling this question, the report prefers to dwell on how to raise money. As is increasingly common in American cities, it proposes creative funding streams, on the last page of the first part and the first six pages of the second part: congestion pricing, cap-and-trade, parking fees, a development fund, value capture. With the exception of congestion pricing, an externality tax for which it makes sense for revenues to go to mitigation of congestion via alternative transportation, all of these suffer from the same problem: they are opaque and narrowly targeted, which turns them into slush funds for power brokers. It’s the same problem as the use of cap-and-trade in California.

One of the most fundamental inventions of modern government is the broad-based tax, on income or consumption. Premodern governments funded themselves out of tariffs and dedicated taxes on specific activities (as do third-world governments today), and this created a lot of economic distortion, since not all activities were equally taxed, and politically powerful actors could influence the system to not tax them. The transparent broad-based tax, deeded to general revenue through a democratic process, has to be spent efficiently, because there are many government departments that are looking for more money and have to argue why they should get it. Moreover, the tax affects nearly all voters, so that cutting the tax is another option the spending programs must compete with. The dedicated fund does neither. If the broad-based tax is the equivalent of market competition, a system of dedicated funds for various government programs is the equivalent of a cartel that divides the market into zones, with each cartel member enjoying a local monopoly. In this way there’s a difference between the hodgepodge of taxes the MTA levies and wants to levy and Ile-de-France’s dedicated 1.4-2.6% payroll tax: the payroll tax directly affects all Francilien workers and employers, and were it wasted, a right-wing liberal politician could win accolades by proposing to cut it, the way New York Republicans are attacking the smaller payroll tax used to fund the MTA.

The proposals of where to spend the money to be raised so opaquely are problematic as well. There is a set of reforms, based on best practices in Continental Europe and Japan, that every urban transit system in the first world should pursue, including in their original countries, where often only some of those aspects happen. These include proof-of-payment fare collection on buses, commuter trains, and all but the busiest subway systems; all-door boarding on buses; mode-neutral fares with free transfers; signal priority and bus lanes on all major bus routes, with physically separated lanes in the most congested parts; a coherent frequent bus network, and high off-peak frequency on all trains; and through-service on commuter rail lines that can be joined to create a coherent S-Bahn or RER system. As far as I can tell, the report ignores all of these, with the exception of the vague sentence, “outfitting local bus routes with SBS features,” which features are unspecified. Instead, new buzzwords like resiliency and redundancy appear throughout the report. Redundancy in particular is a substitute for reliability: the world’s busiest train lines are generally not redundant: if they have parallel alternatives those are relief lines or slower options, and a shutdown would result in a major disruption. Amtrak, too, looks for redundancy, even as the busiest intercity rail line in the world, the Tokaido Shinkansen, has no redundancy, and is only about to get some in the next few decades as JR Central builds the Chuo Shinkansen for relief and for higher speeds.

The only foreigners on the Commission are British, Canadian, and Colombian, which may have something to do with the indifference to best industry practices. Bogota is famous for its BRT system, leveraging its wide roads and low labor costs, and Canada and to a lesser extent the UK have the same problems as the US in terms of best industry practices. Swiss, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, and Korean members might have known better, and might also have been useful in understanding where exactly the cost problems of the US in general and New York in particular come from.

The final major problem with the report, in addition to the indifference to cost, the proposal for reactionary funding sources, and the ignorance of best industry practices, is the continued emphasis on a state of good repair. While a logical goal in the 1980s and 90s, when the MTA was coming off of decades of deferred maintenance, the continued pursuit of the maintenance backlog today raises questions of whether maintenance has been deferred more recently, and whether it is still deferred. More oversight of the MTA is needed, for which the best idea I can think of is changing the cycles of maintenance capital funding from five years, like the rest of the capital plan, to one year. Long-term investment should still be funded over the long term, but maintenance should be funded more regularly, and the backlog should be clarified each year, so that the public can see how each year the backlog is steadily filled while normal replacement continues. This makes it more difficult for MTA chiefs to propose a bold program, fund it by skimping on maintenance, and leave for their next job before the ruse is discovered.

I tag this post under both good categories (“good transit” and “good/interesting studies”) and bad ones (“incompetence” and “shoddy studies”) because there are a lot of good ideas in the report. But none of them rises to the level of reinvention, and even collectively, they represent incremental improvement, of the sort I’d expect of a city with a vigorous capital investment program and industry practices near the world’s cutting edge. New York has neither, and right now it needs to imitate the best performers first.


  1. Eric

    Such a big, slow-loading PDF with some of the pages rotated 90 degrees with respect to others does not inspire confidence in the people who produced it 🙂

  2. Ted Pyne

    The report does seem to mention fare integration and mode-neutral fares, though only in passing on page 37.

    • Alon Levy

      Yes, in the final report, there’s that brief mention, but it seems to focus on a single fare medium (i.e. a smartcard), and not on free transfers or on making commuter rail and the subway cost the same in the same areas. On top of that, in MTA-speak, “open fare system” has meant “contactless credit card,” since the idea of having the agency issue its own smartcard was invented elsewhere.

      • Harald

        Is there anything wrong with using a contactless CC instead of yet-another-smart-card? I guess they cards themselves are not that common yet with US banks?

        • Mathias

          Personally, I feel there should be both options, as youths e.g. students, underprivileged and does that do not meet the minimum requirements for a credit card will be able to travel as well.

      • al

        There was also mentions of multi-agency cooperation for through running. On a side note, the Design Build route for the Tappan Zee replacement should had been included. The project was estimated at $10-$16 billion in the 2000’s. Its now to come in at ~$4 billion. If they added shoulder running Bus Lane from Woodbury to Port Chester, with bus shelters at the intersections on the exit/entrance ramps, they would have the beginnings of a BRT affordably. Shoulder running highway bus is already a practice in several cities. At congested times, they can serve as busways for all buses.

  3. Pingback: A look at three of the ways to reinvent the MTA :: Second Ave. Sagas
  4. Pingback: What is the MTA Reinventing, Anyway? | Pedestrian Observations | therhinorceros
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  7. Nathanael

    “politically powerful actors could influence the system to not tax them.”

    That’s the US. Look at the capital gains tax and the dividend tax.

    We don’t have broad-based taxation in the US; we have taxation of the working classes, and non-taxation of the leisure classes. Have we really progressed very far from the middle ages?

    • Alon Levy

      Yes, you actually do have broad-based taxation. Most federal tax revenue comes from income taxes of various sorts. People with Mitt Romney’s wealth level can avoid them, but that’s a vanishing proportion of the population. The average 1%er household income in the US is, if I remember correctly, $665,000 a year, which is not enough to be able to deduct your entire income. Actual tax avoidance in the US is low not only by historic and third-world standards but also by contemporary European ones (in Greece, paying taxes is practically voluntary).

      See here for more on the first- vs. third-world distinction in taxation.

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